You must have heard or read about the term “online poker” which is gaining popularity day by day. A whole lot of professional players play online poker as it is one of the convenient and quick mode. Now players are known with their userID rather than their own name.
An interesting fact associated with internet poker is that there are many gambling websites with different poker types .
For instance, pokerstars.com and pokerstars.net are two different websites under Pokerstars group. These two websites are very similar but not at all identical they serve different purposes.
.Net and .Com offer real money and play money respectively.
Have you ever wondered, why is that so?
This is because of the fact that .net websites are allowed to advertise on US television ( If the website is offering its services in US). That is the reason why online website giant like pokerstars and Fulltilt has two domains under .net and .com.
Television channels can't directly show the advertisements of the gambling websites offering real money poker like of Pokerstars.net and Pokerstars.com. So if you are a novice or amateur in online poker and want to learn poker, then you need to visit pokerstars/fulltilt.net for play money poker. Although online gambling is not prohibited but still the Television channels don't want to get into any controversies and loose their TRP.
This is because in many countries the TV channels are not allowed to advertise for real money sites. Even in the great World Series of Poker, players also wear the T-shirts containing website name under .net domain. The .net site is considered as for education and entertainment purpose only. These websites containing .net domain are advertised on famous channels like NBC and ESPN.
Also a same user ID works on both sites (.net/.com) and rules related to game along with the way customer support will deal with you will be the same. One last suggestion would be to uninstall the previous (.net/.com) poker software before installing the new one.
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