Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Big Bluff

Whenever you talk about poker novice, will inevitably sooner or later drop the word "bluff". Bluffing is a big and important aspect of poker, especially No Limit Hold 'Em. Players of other formats, especially limit games bluff from time to time. A bluff is certainly the bigger the chance of success, the higher the amount of Bluff bets relative to the size of the pot. Bluffs therefore are implemented as an effective game strategy in No Limit games.

The layman or beginner has in principle with the professional player who moves into higher roles or playing in games, where a higher level of play there is something in common. He holds the Bluff for an extremely important and profitable strategy. He commits, in contrast to the professional but often a basic error in small batches with other beginners, maybe what, to whom he is even technically superior already. The pro would be if he would play it in such a game, take care not to bluff - because he can not assume that the other players at the same level as he is. This moves the potential source of money to be playing again on the showdown, as the biggest mistake of beginners is that they too often incorrect calls, and go make bets or raises with weaker hands in an average of the showdown. The beginner in these games then complains about the "weak" way of playing the beginner, or on the bluff itself.

The Player's hand strength is not quite aware of a board, but thinks only in absolute categories of hand. The same is true for a player of his 7-high flush draw so much like that, he all the money he had in mind, would pay for it to complete it. If we imagine now, but before a game, in which each player concepts like pot odds, implied odds, relative hand strengths, Equities, etc. internalized so that proportionality turn around again. The players know that a hand like top pair top kicker on a 3-flush board against a raise probably not the best thing would be, or that it at 1:2 pot odds with her 7-hi flush draw is no longer profitable one pot sized Bet can pay. And you will have to ask yourself as a player of this round, if my opponents are trying to commit in principle, little technical mistakes and to always go with the best hand at the showdown, where my profits come from? And here is the bluff comes into play.

Bluff Architecture
A well-designed Bluff not only gives us the opportunity to pocket small, medium, and sometimes even larger pots without a showdown. Now lets see what is meant by a "well designed" bluff?

The Basics:
* Prerequisite: You can put his opponent under recent actions at a very specific hand, and I know how that opponent is thinking about the strength of such a hand in the context of various boards

* Fluids: chips, chips and more chips - many chips as possible in relation to the pot.

A bluff is particularly effective or looks threatening especially in Texas Hold em if the bluffer and has intentionally been bluffing a lot of chips on the table, which are not yet in the pot - and make up in relation to the current pot large numbers.

The fact uses exactly the technical knowledge of the other players and trying to Juggle them that they need a better hand than theirs in order to survive in the showdown to be.